Call for New Editors – Journal of Deliberative Democracy

Established in 2005 (originally as the Journal of Public Deliberation) the journal is a forum for the latest thinking, emerging debates, alternative perspectives and critical views on deliberation. It publishes on all theoretical and methodological traditions and aims to broker knowledge between scholars and practitioners of citizen engagement. Supported by the newDemocracy Foundation, the International Association for Public Participation and the University of Westminster, the journal is fully open access, with no fees for authors or readers. Articles are made available as soon as they are ready to publish in order to prevent delays in making content publicly available, and the journal also publishes themed Collections.
The journal also publishes The Deliberative Democracy Digest blog.
Published by the University of Westminster Press, the journal is listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals, EBSCO and the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, and is included in Science Open. It has a global audience across 190 countries and achieves average usage figures of over 16,000 per month. This is an opportunity to oversee the next stage of development of this established and respected journal on a topic of increasing importance internationally.
General responsibilities of the Editor include:
- Assisting in the peer review of scholarly submissions via the Janeway manuscript submission system
- Overseeing new Collections
- Being the focus of editorial activity in their speciality, working to enhance the journal’s visibility and reputation in the field
- Actively recruiting authors to contribute to the journal
- Assisting in the framing of journal editorial policy and development of the journal
- Assisting in the appointment of other editorial team members, ensuring members reflect the diversity of the field and the range of perspectives within the community
- Attending Editorial Board Meetings
- Representing the journal and promoting it wherever possible
EOIs should not be more than 500 words and should cover the following topics:
- Names and institutional affiliations of the proposed editorial team
- Reasons for editing JDD
- Priorities for the JDD in the next three years
- Plans for the Deliberative Democracy Digest
- Institutional resources available to support the journal (JDD is funded by the newDemocracy Foundation, IAP2 and the University of Westminster Press but identify possible support from your institution/s like teaching relief, financial and other in-kind resources).
The journal invites EOIs to be submitted on/by 30 October 2022.
Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed in November.
All enquiries and EOIs should be directed via email in the first instance to:
Philippa Grand
Press Manager

The Journal of Deliberative Democracy and Deliberative Democracy Digest are supported by:
General queries
Please get in touch with our editor Lucy Parry.
Mailing Address
Journal of Deliberative Democracy
Centre for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance
Ann Harding Conference Centre
University Drive South
University of Canberra, ACT 2617