How representative is it really? A correspondence on sortition

How representative is it really? A correspondence on sortition

How representative is it really? A correspondence on sortition Are proponents of sortition overclaiming? What claims to representativeness can we really make about deliberative mini-publics? This correspondence unpicks some of the key claims and proposes ways forward...
Ned Crosby, 1936-2022

Ned Crosby, 1936-2022

Ned Crosby, 1936-2022 We celebrate the life of Ned Crosby, who envisioned the possibilities of deliberative democracy.   Ned Crosby passed away May 29, 2022 in the company of family. He had managed multiple myeloma for six years before his condition worsened suddenly....
James Francis Bohman, 1954-2021

James Francis Bohman, 1954-2021

James Francis Bohman, 1954-2021 The deliberative democracy community celebrates the work and life of Professor James Bohman, a pillar of deliberative democratic theory.   James Francis “Jim” Bohman died in January 2021, after struggling with early-onset Alzheimer’s...