Democracy and Artificial Intelligence: current practices and visions into the future

Democracy and Artificial Intelligence: current practices and visions into the future
Dr Nardine Alnemr is a Lecturer at the School of Humanities, Arts and Social Science, and Fellow of the Indo-Pacific Research Centre (IPRC), Murdoch University in Western Australia.
Dr Rob Weymouth is the Facilitator of Deliberation and Engagement at the Shire of Carnarvon in Western Australia.
Brian Sullivan is the founder of Practical Evolution, LLC and a technology and process consultant for deliberative democracy and collaboration projects.
Acknowledgements from the Editor
This piece is part of the Digest’s curated conversation series, where practitioners, scholars, advocates and critics meet to converse on the topics that matter to them in the theory and practice of deliberative democracy.
I’d especially like to thank members of the Democracy R&D Network; the idea for this series came about through an open space workshop at the DRD Conference in Copenhagen, and it was through the Network that I was able to reach so many people. I’d like to acknowledge and thank all the people who came forward to take part in this series and the collective effort that has gone into the careful planning, recording and editing of each piece.
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General queries
Please get in touch with our editor Lucy Parry.
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Journal of Deliberative Democracy
Centre for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance
Ann Harding Conference Centre
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University of Canberra, ACT 2617