Welcome to the Deliberative Democracy Digest

A roundup of recent developments in the theory and practice of deliberative democracy.

Democracy without Shortcuts

Are deliberative minipublics acceptable democratic shortcuts in building a participatory deliberative democracy?

The Challenge of Global Deliberative Democracy

Global citizens’ assemblies can democratise global governance. But how these assemblies are convened needs to be democratised too. 

A Deliberative Democrat in the Jury Room

Do deliberative democrats make good jurors? Sonia Bussu reflects on her experience as a foreperson in a London jury.

Japan Catches the Deliberative Wave

Are we witnessing the rise of a participatory society in Japan? Ayano Takeuchi sends a dispatch from Tokyo.


Deliberative Democracy in Southeast Asia

Deliberative Democracy in Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia is a region often associated with authoritarian resilience and democratic decline. Baogang He talks to Nicole Curato about the various ways in which Southeast Asian countries have institutionalised mechanisms for deliberative democracy to address complex governance issues.

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Call for New Editors – Journal of Deliberative Democracy

Call for New Editors – Journal of Deliberative Democracy

The Journal of Deliberative Democracy is pleased to invite expressions of interest for the editorship of the journal. The new editorial team is expected to serve from April 2023 to April 2026. Multi-institutional and multi-country bids are encouraged but not required.

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Ned Crosby, 1936-2022

Ned Crosby, 1936-2022

We celebrate the life of Ned Crosby, who envisioned the possibilities of deliberative democracy.

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Risks and lessons from the deliberative wave

Risks and lessons from the deliberative wave

In the first of a two-part series, deliberative democracy advocates examine the political risks and emerging lessons from the so-called ‘deliberative wave.’

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Putting faith in randomness and personal contact

Putting faith in randomness and personal contact

In this conversation, Dan Durrant invites Linus Strothman to explain the power of combining random selection and personal outreach in recruiting participants for deliberative minipublics.

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How Participatory Budgeting Can Support Education and Learning

How Participatory Budgeting Can Support Education and Learning

In this dispatch, we examine participatory budgeting’s potential to develop participants’ civic knowledge, skills and attitudes, as well as the conditions that make these impacts possible, based on research from nine countries.

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How Participatory Budgeting Can Improve Governance and Well-Being

How Participatory Budgeting Can Improve Governance and Well-Being

When designed well and implemented in favourable contexts, participatory budgeting has a track record of improving local governance and, ultimately, community well-being. In this dispatch, we share some key findings on the impacts of participatory budgeting on governance and well-being, drawing from studies on Brazil, the United States, South Korea and Peru.

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Introducing a Global Theory of Change for Participatory Budgeting

Introducing a Global Theory of Change for Participatory Budgeting

Participatory budgeting has been widely celebrated around the world, but its impacts have been uneven. In this Dispatch, we explain a new global theory of change that demonstrates how participatory budgeting can lead to desired outcomes and impacts.

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The Journal of Deliberative Democracy and Deliberative Democracy Digest are supported by:


General queries

Please get in touch with our editor Lucy Parry.

Mailing Address

Journal of Deliberative Democracy
Centre for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance
Ann Harding Conference Centre
University Drive South
University of Canberra, ACT 2617

